Our service packages:
A for-information translation with unpolished style or appearance, not for publication
Examples: letters, e-mails, reports, codes of conduct
Example formats: .doc/docx, .xls/xlsx, .rtf
A for-publication translation of an editable document submitted by the client, reproducing the style and appearance of the source text
Examples: instruction manuals, safety data sheets, software listings, working standards, notifications, training materials, annual reports
Example formats: .doc/docx, .xls/xlsx, .ppt/pptx, .ttx, .inx, .indd, .idml, .xml
A for-publication translation adapted to the target culture, with the style, content and appearance carefully edited
Examples: brochures, website contents, bulletin articles, press releases
Example formats: PDF or any of the formats mentioned above
A for-publication translation with the style, content and appearance carefully edited, ready for press
Examples: a condensed translation of a long article, a brochure with the content adapted to the target culture and the layout ready for press
Example formats: PDF scanned to image, paper copy